Why we love to tandem skydive! | Skydive Langkawi Skip to Content

There are many reasons we love our job. The adrenaline rush, the amazing coastal scenery, soaring through the sky at incredible speeds, but most of all giving our customers the experience of a lifetime and seeing the smiles on their faces. It’s not every day you make memories that last forever.

Jackie had never skydived before, and she definitely was a bit apprehensive about it, as most people are their first time around. It can be quite daunting to jump out of a plane at 15,000 feet in the air. It takes a lot of trust in your skydiving instructor and tandem partner to get you on the ground safely, all while giving you the best experience of your life.

Here is Jackie’s story, in her own words.

“Thank you to all your team for an enjoyable (but frightening) experience. Everyone I came in contact with was so very kind and polite.

Jackie's first jump, a bit scared

I spoke to a number of people over the weekend on the phone as the weather wasn’t playing nice and re-scheduling was needed, and every single person was excellent to talk to. Vernon spoke clearly on the bus about what we were going to do and the expectation of us in our part of the jump and was happy to answer any questions we had.

This experience was NEVER on my ‘bucket list’ but through an unplanned circumstance it happened anyway..and I am so glad it did. I was so very nervous, scared, and unsure…

Jackie about to skydive

…but by the end of the jump, I felt exhilarated, happy, and very proud of myself.

Jackie freefall during tandem skydive

Travis…Oh My Gosh. The man had my life in his hands, he is a gem. I thank him for his kind words of encouragement and patience with me. The care he took to explain every step we were taking was excellent.

Jackie freefalling from 15000 feet

Thankyou Coastal Skydive, I’m pretty sure I will be back.

It may have just been ‘another jump’ for you but to me, you are my first and I will never ever forget that! Thanks for the memory.”

Jackie has landed on a beach - coastal location

This kind of feedback always warms our hearts and makes it all worthwhile for us.

Are you looking for the experience of a lifetime? Check out our tandem skydive packages.